Reconditioned Instruments

This page provides you with a glimpse of the reconditioned instruments we have on offer at the moment. Please contact us for further details at

The price includes delivery and installation within the U.K.

All of our refurbished instruments are serviced prior to delivery and installation




Perkin Elmer Clarus 500 GCMS

This fully tested GCMS includes an 82 position liquid autosampler and split/splitless capillary injector with electronic pressure control.



                                                         Price: SOLD

Perkin Elmer Clarus 400 GC


This refurbished Clarus 400 GC comes with single split/splitless capillary injector, FID and manual pneumatics



                                                                         Price: £4,995

Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL


This Autosystem XL GC includes an 82 position liquid autosampler, electronic pressure controls, programmable split/splitless injector, flame ionization detector and an integral link board for communicating with data handling software.



                                                Price: £3,950



We have more than one GC available giving you the option of different configurations if you require it.

Perkin Elmer Clarus 680 GC


This Clarus 680 GC comes

with programmable

split/splitless injector,

auto-ignite FID, electronic pressure controls and fast oven cool down time.


Price: SOLD

Perkin Elmer Turbomatrix HS40



This automated headspace assy has a capacity of 40 vials.

It overlaps vial thermostating with GC analysis for optimum productivity.



 Price: £8,500.00



This Turbomatrix HS40 can be purchased with one of our GC's as a complete system. Alternatively, it can be simply installed onto any manufacturers GC. 

More instruments to follow shortly